The Mystery of Yeti

2020-06-28 13:22:32 Written by Amaan Saeed Khan

The Mystery


               This mystery is about an ice creature about which there are many stories in the folk traditions of different nations. This creature is commonly called "Yeti". It is also known as Bigfoot, Alma, Kang Me, Mego and many other local names. This creature seems to be very shy and avoids being seen by humans. But the number of viewers is not low. Hundreds of people around the world claim to have seen "Yeti" with their own eyes. They say they are about twelve feet tall. Unlike monkeys, they walk straight and are known to be large human beings. Their long arms are seen swinging from right to left on their wide bodies. They have long and big heads and they look like half-humans and half-monkeys. Their skin is hairy, like the skin of a red fox. They mostly eat mountain moles, etc and cut their prey into pieces before eating, just as humans cut meat first. This was exactly what the villagers of Nepal described. These creatures are not considered strange there.



              The first news about this creature in the West came in 1832 which reached through BH Hodgson. He lived for a long time among the Nepalese in the Himalayas. He wrote in his travelogue that he saw a tall monkey-like man with dark hair on his body. The second report in this regard was also received from a British person. In 1887, Laurence Waddell, a doctor in the Indian Army, observed unusually large footprints in an area near Sikkim, which he said belonged to a creature that was many times larger than humans and that was icy. After some more such news, there was a craze in Europe to know more about this creature. From there, several teams of adventurers set out for the peaks of the Himalayas with the sole purpose of gathering more information and evidence about this creature. In the second and third decades of the twentieth century, these expeditions learned a great deal about the ice giant. Some of the same information was brought by the mountaineers who went to the top of the Himalayas, so regular writing started about this creature. According to Nepalese villagers, Tibetan lamas and Yeti are creatures that live in the icy wilderness. These icy wilderness are located at an altitude of 12,000 to 20,000 feet above sea level, beyond the sloping Himalayan forests. These creatures are thought to have their abodes in mountain caves.


 Are there really such icy people in the world?

 Most people don't answer that.

 So what is it that hundreds of people claim to see?


             In 1921, a Western soldier saw the creature with his own eyes, and he was first Western eyewitness. The soldier's name was Col Charles Howard bury. He had seen yeti running in the forest with his own eyes. Colonel Charles Howard Bury was a Mountineers and was leading a mountaineering expedition to measure Mount Everest. The team spotted a strange creature at an altitude of about 17,000 feet above sea level. These humanoid animals were in large numbers. When the creature passed, Col. Howard's team measured their footprints at the site, which was three times larger than a normal human foot. However, the colonel did not trust the locals in his team that these were the footprints of Yeti. Rather, he thought it was something like a polar bear. Since then, however, Western adventurers have learned a great deal. A team of scientists has spotted an unusually large man pulling plants out of the snow. Around the same time, news spread that a local 13-year-old girl had been abducted by an Yeti. Some information about this girl could not be obtained later. However, based on this news, Hollywood made the famous movie "Yeti" which did a lot of business at the box office. Photographs of Yeti's footprints were first obtained in 1937 and were immediately published in newspapers around the world. The photos were taken by Frank Smith, an American newspaper photographer. Another incident in this regard became very popular. The description of this incident here will not be without interest. The incident took place during World War II in 1942, when five Polish soldiers were in jail in Siberia, escaped from prison and traveled an extraordinary distance without any transport. They reached Bhutan via Mongolia and Tibet and from there they crossed the Himalayas to India. On the way, they faced a strange incident in the mountains, which they narrated on their return, and the incident spread all over the world. Because the incident confirmed the earlier description of the ice giant. While these soldiers did not know that anyone before them had seen this creature or its sign. According to the soldiers, they were passing through the mountains of the Himalayas when at one point they sat down to rest under a tree. On the other side of the tree, they saw two human-like gorillas a few steps away from themselves in a low-lying area. The guerrillas also noticed that someone was near the tree, but they did not pay much attention to it. They kept digging without stopping. The soldiers said they hid behind a tree for about two hours and watched the creature in amazement. The soldiers didn't try to move because they thought it was the most interesting experience of their trip, so they wanted to see all the details. Two Norwegian tourists were confronted in 1948 by a pair of such humanoid guerrillas in the Indian state of Sikkim. However, the couple attacked the tourists. In response, one of the tourists, who had a rifle, fired in the air. The couple ran away in fear.


             In the early nineteenth century, a British adventurer that saw a guerrilla in Africa was shocked, and when he returned to Europe, he reported that he had seen an animal resembling a human. The discovery, which could be considered the first link in the chain of humans, was met with astonishment across Europe. However, the natives of Africa have been familiar with this animal for centuries.

 What this discovery informed mankind was how much of the world is still beyond human reach and man must keep striving to reach there.

 In 1938, a fish called Coelcanth was caught in the Indian Ocean, which took biologists around the world by surprise as it was thought to have become extinct 10 million years ago. Now only its fossils were present. But the discovery of this fish forced the human mind to think differently. A similar phenomenon arose when the white rhinoceros, the giant temple panda and the Komodo dragon were discovered because they were mythical animals and the general opinion about them was that they either became extinct millions of years ago or They never existed and there are only stories created by human minds about them. Despite being present in the world for centuries, these animals remained hidden from human sight. Even the locals living in the areas where these animals were discovered were unaware of their existence. This suggests that man must be prepared for more such wonders because there may be many other creatures here, about which we have only stories and which we consider to be mythical.

 There are mummies of this creature in the monasteries attributed to the Lama of Tibet, and there are also items made of their skins, but they do not allow anyone to take this item from the monastery because they think in the laboratory, Scientists desecrate these things. These monasteries are not even accessible to the general public.

 The Himalayan mountain range is an area where snow falls all year round and there are many areas where one can hardly reach. The presence of these humanoid gorillas may be possible in these icy deserts.



           In England,Yeti was described in 1832 by Hodgson in his travelogue. He lived for a long time among the Nepalese in the Himalayas. And obviously the story of this creature has been going on among the people there for many generations. Hodgson may have searched Yeti for a long time, and after a long search, he did not find anything except a few people there, and then he mentioned Yeti in his travelogue, thinking that if in the future If this ice man is discovered, Hodgson's name will be number one in its history.

 Some have speculated that Hodgson's experience may have been based on a special red bear living in the mountains, which is larger in size than the average monkey and has a much smaller population. Or Hodgson may have seen guerrillas because many people were unfamiliar with guerrillas at the time.


 The story of the Ice Giant is being talked about all over the world, but in this regard there are either personal incidents or some photographs which say that there are footprints of this creature but this evidence is not solid.

 The National Geographic Channel made a big plastic foot and then made footprints on the ground with this foot at night around a village. Two days later, when National Geographic interviewed people, the elders also falsely claimed to have seen the Yeti with their own eyes two days ago.


             Most climbers deny the existence of Yeti but the great Italian climber Messner is said to be an extraordinary man. If you look at their mountaineering records, they are second to none. He is the first man in the world to have climbed all fourteen peaks of the world above 8,000 meters. He also have a record of climbing Mount Everest without extra oxygen. He climbed Mount Everest alone, which is not an easy task at all. He have also visited areas in the Himalayas where very few people can reach.

 When asked about Yeti, he said he had seen the creature, commonly known as Pretty, at least four times. According to Messner, once he got so close to Yeti that he could touch it. He said he believed in the existence of Yeti as he believed in the existence of humans and other animals.

 He further added that Yeti is a very shy creature. It is about two meters tall and makes whistling sounds to communicate with each other. In the dark of night, it targets yaks and sheep and goats, which it hunts for.

 He quotes Yeti:

 "When I first saw Yeti, I wanted to get a closer look at this creature. In places where no tree can grow, we would spend two weeks and a whole day looking for Yeti. Follow the footprints about thirty-five centimeters wide. I didn't expect we would find it so soon. First I saw a female Yeti with her baby. The baby's hairs were red while his mother hair were black. As soon as he saw us, they ran away and hid. Two days later we saw a sleeping Yeti.

 He sighed with satisfaction, we approached him very carefully and quietly. We stopped at a distance of about twenty meters and began to observe it. He slept for a while but then his eyes opened with a sigh. As soon as he saw us, he was amazed. Her reaction was like that of a child seeing someone for the first time. For a few minutes he stared at us in amazement and uncertainty and then slowly got up and left.

 Dr. Carl Shankar, a zoologist in England, is recognized as an expert in information and matters related to Yeti. He thinks Messner's words are true. He says there has been evidence of Yeti in the 2,000-kilometer area of ​​the Himalayas, which consists mostly of Pakistan, Tibet and India. Based on this evidence, three types are understood. One is a red Yeti, the other is a tall black ice man, and the third is a small red Yeti.

 If Messner's words are combined with Carl Shankar's statement, it is clear that the red Yeti can actually be called a young Yeti and the older Yeti can be a tall yeti with black hair. While middle-aged Yeti may be somewhat red and somewhat black.

 Last year, a British climber discovered footprints in a place in the Himalayan mountain range that are claimed to be the footprints of an icy man. Because people don't come to this remote area. Therefore, footprints can only be of an Yeti or an ice man. 


 The most important objection to the existence of Yeti is that no creature can survive on its own. If it exists, it must be a few hundred in number, or about fifty. And if there are so many of them in any place, why has it not been traced so far?

 In response to this objection, Messner says that this creature wants to stay away from danger and that is why it makes its home only in areas that cannot be reached by human beings. They estimate that there are about a thousand of them in the Himalayan region alone. These areas of the Himalayas are covered with snow and forests. Where it is possible for any such creature to survive. It can spend the night in hunting. There are many complaints from locals that their animals have gone missing.