The Most Brutal Woman Serial Killer in History

2020-07-05 13:52:28 Written by Ansar Ali

Who Was Elizabeth Bathory?


 Elizabeth Bathory


 She belonged to a wealthy and royal family. Her uncle was the king of Poland, and a nephew, the prince of Transylvania.

 In 1610 Elizabeth was charged with a number of murders. She was imprisoned in her castle, where she remained until her death. Elizabeth killed at least 650 people. Her name is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as one of the most popular serial killers. It is said that she bathed in human blood to maintain her youth and beauty. That's why she Also known as Blood Countess.

She had the effects of Dracula.

 When she was arrested in 1610, she was accused of killing and torturing maid girls and town residents in the fort. She was confined to her own castle, where she died after four years in prison.

 No concrete evidence of Elizabeth's crimes was found, but many crimes were written in her own diary. This diary was never brought to light. Elizabeth was sentenced to death for her crimes, but only because of her strong background, The decision to hang till death was commuted to life imprisonment.


 Early Life


 Elizabeth was born in 1560 in Hungary (now Slovakia) to a royal family. Elizabeth spent her childhood in a castle called Ecsed.

  Elizabeth is said to have had epileptic seizures as a child, which was treated with blood transfusions on her lips. This blood was from healthy people. So that Elizabeth can be healed with this healthy blood. Probably a factor of her Brutual serial killing.

 Another reason is that Elizabeth was trained very hard from her childhood. She was taught violence from the beginning.

 Elizabeth was fluent in Latin, Greek, German and Hungarian. She belonged to a respected and influential family. That was the reason why many of her crimes were not substantiated.


 Married life


 Elizabeth gave birth to a child at the age of thirteen before marriage. To avoid notoriety, the child was handed over to a farming family and they were paid a heavy price to keep their mouths shut and raise the child.

 Elizabeth, 15, married Nádasdy on May 8, 1575. The couple's first child was born 10 years later, in 1585. Bathory gave birth to five children. Two died in infancy, but two daughters and a son survived and died of natural causes.


 Because her husband was a soldier who often fought the Ottoman Turks, the couple spent most of their marriage apart.

 In 1578, Nadasi was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Hungarian Army. He fought many long wars against the Ottomans. In her absence, Elizabeth ran the rest of the castle and social affairs.

   After Nadasi's death in January 1604, Elizabeth took over the entire system.




 Elizabeth was accused of sexually abusing mostly underage girls and maids who came to her for education and training.

 Elizabeth may have been involved in these crimes before, but after her husband's death in 1604, she allegedly became involved.

 As you read in the beginning

 "Elizabeth was trained hard and made violent from the beginning."

 Elizabeth tested her training on many of her prey. She used to put a lot of honey on people's bodies and tie them in an open area. She would make them lie on the ice or force them to take a bath with very cold water.

 She sometimes beat the girls with needles, cut their noses or lips, or with a barbed wire. She also burned the flesh of their shoulders and breasts. Elizabeth's violent behavior was similar to that of a sexual patient, but it is not clear what was the real reason behind her violent temperament.

 The main reason for Elizabeth's crimes is said to be the lust for "youth and beauty". She would kill young girls and bathe them in their blood so that they would always be beautiful and young.




 On December 29, 1610, a delegation from the Hungarian High Court arrived at Elizabeth's castle to investigate various allegations against Elizabeth.

 When they saw a man being severely beaten by Elizabeth there, they took immediate action and locked Elizabeth in the castle. (Due to her high family background, they could not arrest her.)

 They then arrested eight Elizabeth employees for questioning. Among them were three women and five men. They were severely tortured in jail. The employees denied involvement in the killings, but did admit to burying several victims. But there was a big difference in the number they reported. Some employees confessed to burying 36 bodies and some to 50 bodies.

 Some of these employees were immediately executed and some were imprisoned. Among those who helped Elizabeth was a witch. She too was killed shortly after Elizabeth's arrest.

 Even after these decisions, the jury continued to investigate. A witness said that Elizabeth herself had written about 650 victims in her diary. Unfortunately, the diary could not be found by the investigating officer.




 Belonging to a powerful family, Elizabeth never faced court. On the contrary, she was confined in Castle, where she remained until her death. Elizabeth died on August 21, 1614, at the age of 54.

 Since, she was not intentionally convicted, her property was distributed among relatives after her death instead of being taken over by the government.

 Whether Elizabeth was really such a dangerous woman or not is never known, but there are certainly many things that raise suspicions.

 Like the statements of Elizabeth's employees.


 But those who sympathize with Elizabeth reject the allegations, saying:

 "These employees were tortured and made statements of govt own accord.

 But Elizabeth could not be acquitted, as a letter from a pastor against her came to light.

 He wrote about many of Elizabeth's crimes.

 In any case, Elizabeth's name will be at the top of the list of the most brutal women in history.