Some Misunderstandings about Biological Evolution

2020-05-16 07:24:47 Written by Google

Some misunderstandings about biological evolution


 "He who does not acknowledge the truth today may have a past, not a future."


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 The first misunderstanding. Evolution Theory or fact?


 It is a fact that all living beings have moved from a common ancestor to the present state of life in a long period of time. How did all this happen? There are several theories of evolution to explain this. Many aspects of these different theories are hotly debated in scientific circles. Genes, mutations, the role of the environment. How much change is random, how much can be predicted. How do natural selection and sexual selection play a role? How the individual and the group interact. How is genetic drift? How to classify animals. Life timeline and what are the best ways to build relationships. This is the kind of heated debate that is characteristic of science. And this is a discussion of the theory of evolution. Obviously, this is all part of evolution. Which one is most important? It has been updated and will continue to be updated as more evidence is found.

 From bacteria to whales to banyan trees, all living things are part of the same family, there is no ambiguity or disagreement. It is written in everyone's body.


 The second misunderstanding.


  How can one species become another species?

 Pigeons are not made of birds, frogs are not made of turtles, chimpanzees are not made of monkeys. Evolution is not in a straight line. The picture that accompanies this is one of the biggest misconceptions in the general public about this knowledge. Because these types of images are so common and their image is so powerful. That is what evolution often means. it's wrong. There is a kind of relationship, not a change from one to the other. A bee, a squid and a rat. These are all separate leaves of the tree of life that have their own separate evolutionary branches. No one is made of another. They are found far and wide in their evolutionary branches.


 The third misunderstanding.


  Proof of common ancestry?

 Any one proof? The genetic code can be seen to keep things short. Only if you look at the eye of a bee, a human or a squid, their evolution is different, they have a long-distance relationship, the eye forum is completely different. But there is only one gene that controls its development. In every mammal, vertebrate and non-vertebrate animal, the PAX6 gene is present. We know this so well that we can (and have) grown a human eye on a fly's feather with a human gene. By comparing the code of this gene, one can see how the character change or beneficial mutation took place and what the effect is.

 Similarly, the hind legs of whales and dolphins clearly tell their common ancestors with hoofed cattle. (Whales and dolphins are mammals, not fish). His hind legs, which he did not need, did not disappear. Its structure is exactly the same in their body. When a baby whale is in the developmental stage during pregnancy, the development of its legs begins in the same way as in cattle, which then stops, but the structure remains the same. Morphological comparisons also provide similar evidence of genetic comparisons as common ancestry. Every living thing has fossil genes that, if activated, reveal the structure of their past.


 The fourth misunderstanding


 Evolution means Darwinism

 Darwin was the founder of this field and an intelligent scientist of his time, but his knowledge was limited. No DNA was discovered, no genomics, no gene network address, no epigenetics, no gene conservation, no dormancy, no cloning, no genome editing. From his time until today, new fields of science have emerged. The entire genome of thousands of animals has been read. Genes are being replaced in laboratory experiments. By changing the sequence, by editing a nucleotide. There is evidence of the evolution of a generation through practical experience. Evolution is not a gradual process described by Darwin. Not in one way or another. Can be fast, can be slow. It can be combined with many factors. The only thing that can be discussed is when and who has more hands.


 Fifth misunderstanding.


  Where are the missing links?

 Why not a half-fish and half-lizard fossil? Such questions arise only from a lack of understanding of science and from understanding evolution as a linear process. We can expect close relatives to have common traits, but if one type does not change into another, then half of one type and half of the other type of question does not make sense. There are countless examples of these transitions. An example is the evolution of the eye space in fish. Flat-headed fish that are symmetrical and non-symmetrical. That is, both eyes are on one side and both are on the other side. At one point, the question arose as to how one eye made the journey between the halibut and the civil fish. The evolution of the eye space was understood by the combination of genes and pseudoephedrine.


 Sixth misunderstanding


 The complexity of the features cannot be underestimated

 What is the use of half an eye? It must have suddenly come into being. No, this idea is completely wrong. And you don't even have to go back in time to see its variations. There are ketchups that only detect light with the help of some cells, gastropods that have a simple inclination of the eye. Any lead with deep slopes. The mollusk has a hole in the cup to hold the light. Then with refractive lenses and then with flat and pigmented iris. So half the eye is not useless. Cells with empty photosynthesis also help to survive. The notion of insurmountable complexity is incorrect.


 Seventh misunderstanding.


 Evolution is random

 Variations are largely random, but mutations also have to spread after they occur. Mutation is the difference between the division of cells. This variation is random, not a selection at all. Of all the species, only man has managed to overcome natural evolution. By making this selection from animals to plants, we have been creating new species. This is the selection. The election is not random. That which is not in accordance with the times does not survive. This principle of nature is not random.


 The eighth misunderstanding.  


The knowledge of evolution leads to racism and eugenics

 Einstein equated the relationship between energy and mass. Advances in technology later led to the atomic bomb. This does not mean that this equality should be denied outright. Or ban the teaching of physics. Because part of it was used to make weapons of mass destruction. Chemistry has become a chemical weapon. It is not forbidden to study chemistry on this basis. And so the list goes. If someone has ever used the science of evolution for racism or for a wrong purpose, it does not mean that it should not be read or rejected.


 I hope that reading this article will clear up many misconceptions about your theory of evolution.