A Great Father

2020-11-19 18:26:33 Written by Sofia Khan

This is Kalinka Bamberski, who was a 14-year-old French girl. Kalinka Bamberski, an active and athletic 14-year-old girl, was attending a French-language boarding school in Germany in 1982. She spent the summer holidays at the residence of her mother and her stepfather in Lindau.



During the summer of 1982, she briefly lived in Lindau, Germany, with her mama and her stepfather, Dr. Dieter Krombach.


On the fateful night of July 9, Krombach injected Kalinka with a drug called Kobalt-Ferrlecit.


Krombach said to the police the next day that he simply discovered her dead in the morning.


Postmortem could not determine the actual reason for her death, and Krombach got away with her homicide. This led Kalinka’s biological father, Andre, to grow suspicious and to interrogate further.


After some investigation, Andre finally believed that Krombach had injected Kalinka with the drug in a try to rape her. Andre pressed for a trial against Krombach, but the German courts judged that there was insufficient proof for a charge.


In 1995, however, the French courts officially sentenced Krombach in absentia to 15 years in jail for homicide.


Also, Krombach had even confessed two years later in a German case that he had drugged and raped another girl, for which he was convicted to a two-year suspension and lost his medical license.


Unfortunately, in 2001, Krombach’s manslaughter conviction of 1995 was canceled by the European Court of Human Rights, and all try to extradite him for retrial were rejected. The trial in Germany was officially closed.


But in 2009, Andre and three other men secretly abducted Krombach from Germany and left him tied up near a French police station so the authority could easily discover him.


Despite Germany’s requests to send him back, the French administrators and courts had officially tried him at court.


With other victims confirming that Krombach had injected them with drugs to rape them, Krombach was eventually sentenced to 15 years in jail for manslaughter.


Kalinka’s father, Andre, was sentenced and given a suspended sentence for kidnapping Krombach.


But in my opinion, Andre Bamberski was a courageous father who spent 30 years of his life to bring about justice in his daughter’s murder.