Disappearance of Jennifer Kesse

2021-02-27 17:20:33 Written by Upasana Agrawal

One of the mysteries for the past 10 years is the Disappearance of Jennifer Kesse. A cold case now.


I examine this case around 4 months back and the absence of details and the endless likelihoods of what could’ve occurred still haunt me.


Jennifer Kesse was a 24-year woman from Orlando, Florida.

She was accomplishing very well in life. A job as a finance manager for a great company had an affectionate boyfriend and family.

She vanished without a trace from her condo (which she had recently bought and lived alone) the day after she returned from a holiday with her boyfriend.

There was no indication of any break-in into her apartment. Her clothes, which she was presumed to be wearing to work that morning were ready on the bed and her shower was wet.

Her bag, phone, iPod and wallet were missing. She had talked to her family and boyfriend the night before the occurrence and she sounded upbeat and like her normal self.

On the afternoon of her disappearance, a supervision camera showed her car being parked by an unfamiliar person around 1 mile away from her home. The person is seen walking out of the car, but unfortunately, his face cannot be glimpsed even after NASA magnified the image since it is well protected by the fence beside which he had been walking. He has been called the ‘luckiest person of interest ever’. There was no indication of anything in the car either.

It has been 10 years since her disappearance and there is still no guide in the case. There are many probabilities - some believe that the illegal construction workers in the complex kidnapped her, some think it was an ex-boyfriend or a co-worker or some guy at the gym or some total stranger who might have been prowling her, some think she was trafficked and might still be alive, but possibly out of her mind.
