Brittany Williams was born in 1993, to mum Rose Thompson. Rose realized she had AIDS while she was expectant so Brittany was born with the disorder.
Rose was an unstable individual, leaving Brittany mostly overlooked and passed from carer to carer. Brittany had a port a cath tube and required continuous medical care.
Nonetheless, Rose was helped out by the charity Rainbow Kids and its creator Kim Parker. Rainbow kids helped kids with special needs and aids, and Rose decided Kim, this caring woman who ran a charity should be the one to look after Brittany if anything was to occur to Rose.
In 1996, Rose perished and Brittany was given to Kim. It would shortly be found out Kim was no Angel. She was using rainbow kids to slurp money for herself, most donations to the charity would be taken by Kim for her purchases. She had custody of many kids who were looked after by this charity and so asserted several benefits from them.
She wouldn’t utilize the money for the children and outsiders saw the children as messy and neglected. CPS was called a few times but Kim understood how to make it appear things were nice when they came, so nothing was ever performed. She took in as many as 50 foster children since 1990, most had special needs.
Despite this, Brittany was recalled as a delighted girl who was always grinning. Her aunt Brenda was in her life and Brenda didn’t trust Kim, finding something very off about her serious friendliness. Brittany was familiar with her disorder though, panicking once when she accidentally slash herself because she thought her blood was harmful. Her aunt remembers Brittany being quiet and distant whenever she drove her back to Kim’s home.
Kim started advertising her charity on TV, asking for donations and taking in $18k. All of this was utilized on home renovation and upgrades.
The last time Brittany was officially glimpsed by anyone was on August 18th 2000, when she turned up for a doctors appointment.
Around this time, Kim called Brenda and told her she felt she couldn’t take care of Brittany anymore because she felt Brittany was flirting with the men who came to renovate the home. Kim morbidly said she was concerned Brittany would “turn out just like her mother”
Brenda said she’d be more than pleased to take Brittany in herself and Kim told “You’re too late” and that a couple in California had adopted her. Kim then blanked Brenda entirely, not answering her door or replying the phone to her.
The state hauled Kim in when Brittany quit attending school and she alleged she had gone to live with relatives. They rejected the case and let Kim get on with it, and there was no action to search for the relatives in question or Brittany.
A year later, Kim was hauled in again for not taking Brittany for a paternity test and she told a similar story, that she was living with relatives and they left her to get on with it again.
Ultimately, in 2003, a news reporter listened to these cases and pushed for a missing individual report to be made. It was, police searched for her, and Kim was detained for contempt of court for not giving up any data about where Brittany was.
Ultimately, she named the couple she’d passed Brittany to, Linda and Kathie, two volunteers for Rainbow Kids. They did recognize Brittany but never had her in their supervision.
Kim’s home was searched, everything was taken apart. They even looked in the septic tank. They sadly ruled there was no means she was still alive because of the med care she needed. They found Kim had claimed £16k in the checks she got for Brittany since she was last glimpsed.
Kim was convicted to 10 years in jail for fraud, contempt of court etc.
Kim alleged she did give Brittany to Linda and Kathie and she mailed them the money out of Brittany’s checks and kept in touch, but the women cut her off and halted communication in December 2000.
Brittany has never been discovered and there were no substantial leads on what exactly occurred to her, other than Kim’s presumed involvement. Kim is out of jail now and still claims she gave Brittany to Linda and Kathie and they went MIA.
This case is the unhappiest thing I’ve ever heard and miserable Brittany was so unfortunate over her brief life. Any theories?