Big Bang Theory and Truth Behind it

2020-04-20 11:59:51 Written by Google

As you read this post, be aware that - all of this is based on information from Google and other information sites - because I am only twenty-four years old and this incident is billions of years ago. ۔


Interestingly, atheists deny the existence of God on the basis of this doctrine, while modern educated religious people try to integrate this doctrine with religion.




Many theories have been set up to understand the Big Bang Theory, but the trouble is - all theories raise more new questions while answering Big Bang's problems. So the deeper the human being is to understand the universe, the more the mystery of the universe is increasing. Will science ever be able to unravel the mystery? It is premature to say.


After reading and understanding the Theory of the Big Bang, you will also have many questions in mind. I have tried and answered these questions in the end too. Will receive


One last thing some of you gentlemen may already know, but one of the first questions that comes to mind when you read the Big Bang Theory is that when humans are present at the time of the birth of the universe, How do we know that the age of the universe is about 2 billion years? We can illustrate this with a simple example. When we are watching a video, we are also able to pause and Rewind. We can also run it again. This is exactly what happens in the universe. When we talk about the Conical Explosion, this video example is true. There is no need to be an expert to look in the past. When you look at the stars at night and look at the sky in the sky, their light is actually reaching a distance of billions of light years. It simply means that the light from these stars To reach Millions of years are needed. So if you are able to look even further, you may actually be looking at an even older, more ancient universe. Looking deeper into the universe, and while still there will be a place that will be billions of light years away from us; and there you will see the universe in its prime time. Through the Hubble Space Telescope (named after it in recognition of the services of Edwin Hubble) we have been able to peek into spaceflight, the glare of the universe's past. Will be able to see the Big Bang too closely. For scientists looking at the Big Bang origins, it's just as much a matter of elementary love!






Man is perhaps the most curious creature in the world, who is constantly searching for the truth, not only of his environment but of everything in this vast universe. This discovery has led to today galaxies located at a distance of hundreds of millions of light stars and millions of light years.




The question that has always been swayed in his mind is the discovery of the top secret secrets of the universe, some of which have been uncovered and many are still being explored.




Thousands of years of scientific research, questions and discoveries have had their place, but the scientific revolution that took place in Europe almost four hundred years ago, has led to thousands of years of old ideas and assumptions falsifying. Along with the stream, new principles were developed in physics, and instruments existed that helped to understand the origin and origin of the universe to a great extent.






The Big Bang is an English language word meaning 'big explosion'. The Big Bang is actually the explosion from which this universe came into being. According to this view, before the universe came into existence, all matter was imprisoned in a very hollow space, equivalent to a thousandths of a needle. If matter has too much energy, more than any other source of energy in the world, gravity becomes the force pushing things away from one another.




According to science, that was the beginning of the Big Bang's point, when all the material began to detonate very rapidly after an explosion and spread into space. At this time, the universe began to expand rapidly because of its speed.




Today it has been 13.8 billion years since the launch of this 'Big Bang', the point of our universe. Most of you will wonder, how can anyone tell the age of the universe? So the answer is given to us by the "Hubble Space Telescope." The oldest galaxy we find in photos taken with the help of this telescope is located 13.4 billion light years from Earth.




'Light years' is not actually a time scale, but a distance measure and a light year is about 10 trillion kilometers. This distance light sets in one year. Now you can guess for yourself that where one light year is equal to 10 trillion kilometers then how many kilometers will be 13.8 billion light years. If we can measure how many years it takes for light to come from a distant star or galaxy, we can detect such galaxies from ancient to old. The oldest galaxy that we have seen so far is located at a distance of 13.8 billion light years, so we can say that the age of the universe revolves around it.






Let's go back to the situation in which the universe existed.




13.8 billion years ago it was neither the sun, nor the stars, nor the galaxies but only the clouds of massive hydrogen gas created by the explosion. The clouds in the space in which the hydrogen and helium content were high, the gases began to shrink and shrinks to form very hot bodies, which we call "stars." In addition to those stars where the amount of gases was low, gases also shrunk and formed hot (less than stars) orbits that were smaller than the stars, and because of the greater attraction of stars closer to themselves. Orbits around the stars. We call these objects 'planets'.




Many of the stars were shaped by the attraction of each other and this is how galaxies came into being. The galaxy in which our sun and earth lie is called the "Milky Way". It is named after the Milky Way because many of its stars look white, because of this, it appears as if there is a "milk stream or path".


When the earth was formed, it was spinning very rapidly around both its axis and the sun, and gradually it became colder. At the time of its birth, the shape of the earth was almost like a volcano erupting everywhere. But as temperatures started to drop, life was born. Then there was neither human nor animal, even the smallest organisms, the bacteria. But still there were elements that gave birth to them all on earth.




Then came the evolution of chemicals in which small cells of these minerals were found and became molecules, and with the addition of these millions of molecules, cells were created that were able to make their own food using sunlight and each of them. One of the basic principles was that before the cell died, each cell would grow from one to two, thus increasing their number.






These bacteria were organisms that did not require oxygen to survive, though they themselves produced oxygen. As their numbers were high enough, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere began to increase on Earth. As the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere increases, so does the chemical evolution (ie, the process of becoming a cell), which is why no organism today is made of living things.




Evolution is not a process spanning hours, days, or years, but rather a long chain through which centuries are linked to one link. Now after chemical evolution, the process of biological evolution, from small organisms to other larger organisms, began. The bacterial evolutionary process led to the formation of many cell-containing organisms, the first of which were fishes, followed by those living in both densities and terraces (including frogs), Then the crawling animals (including lizards, crocodiles, etc.), then the birds, and finally the mammalian animals (including sheep, goats, cows, humans, etc.) gradually came into existence.




Despite the abundance of information and the fastest technology available, man is still unable to completely unravel the secrets of the universe, as many links in this longest chain are still missing. But the journey of discovery and exploration continues. We hope that with more new discoveries in the near future, it will be possible to delve deeper into the reality, origin, origin and human evolution of the universe.


What was before the Big Bang?


What was before the Big Bang? Some scientists say that if the time before the Big Bang did not exist, it means nothing. If so, the next question that arises is how did the Big Bang become so? Because any event needs space and time to happen. So scientists have no definitive answer as to what was before the Big Bang?








How did Singularity appear? The second puzzle is that Singularity, the point at which the universe came into being as a result of the explosion, how did the Singularity appear? Scientists have no answer to this question.








What happened immediately after the Big Bang?


What happened immediately after the Big Bang? What scientists have found so far is that what happened in the thirteenth of a millisecond after the explosion? But as soon as scientists reach the thirty-eighth of a millisecond, the physics faces serious problems because the temperature is so intense that the Four Forces of Nature cannot exist. According to scientists, there was only one Hypothetical Force that gave rise to the remaining four Forces. This "hypothetical force" To prove the existence of scientists, scientists have developed a conceptual theory called the Grand Unification Theory (GUTT). But as the scientists go back and forth to the twentieth part of a millisecond, all the laws of physics at that point stop working and the break down begins. At this point there is a need for a mastery theory that submits all the laws of physics to the same theory. This hypothesis is called Theory of Everything (TOEE). Both of these theaters are still in the minds of scientists but do not exist empirically.








Anti Matter:


In 1928, the physicist Paul Dirac proposed a theory that the substance exists in equal quantities, as well as the anti-Matter. Whenever the substance and the anti-matter interact, they become annihilate. Paul Dirac could not prove this theory empirically, so during an experiment at CERN in 1995, the existence of an anti-Matter by producing an anti-hydrogen atom, namely anti-hydrogen atom. But there has been a question that has forbidden the sleep of scientists to this day. As a result of the bang, when the substance came into existence, it is evident that the same amount of anti-matter would have existed. Harmful to What will be the interaction also resulting in annihilation? As a result of this sin, the universe is impossible in its present state. Therefore, this puzzle could not be resolved till now that something happened during the Big Bang, which in some way increased the amount of material in the universe and the anti-matter disappeared and made the universe appear in its present state.


 Fine Tuning Problem:


When there is an explosion somewhere, the life of the system after the explosion becomes bleak or is there a balance and order in the system life? Yes! The same problem with the Big Bang is called "Problem Balancing". Called Fine Tuning Problem. If our universe was caused by a huge explosion, then how was the balance, uniformity, arrangement and coordination formed throughout the universe to create hydrogen and helium first. Then became the heavier elements that made the planets, stars and galaxies and eventually life appeared. To solve this problem, physicists have developed a theory called Multiverse Theory. According to this theory, our universe is not a single universe, but one of the countless universes in which it accidentally became all the conditions that were suitable for the birth of life. This theory has been widely criticized by a large number of scientists. Because there is a universe other than our universe? It cannot be proved by any means, either empirically or empirically. Therefore, scientists think Multiverse Theory is more of a science fiction




Dark Matter:


One problem is that gravity works fine to the extent of our planet and the rest of the solar system, but galaxies and other complex structures are not fully implemented. The existence of galaxies on the basis of gravity alone is impossible because the force of gravity is insufficient to hold a galaxy together. To solve this problem, the scientists presented a theory that space is not simply a space name, but a substance that does not appear. That is why this substance is called Dark Matter. Because of this, galaxies exist. According to scientists, 85% of the universe consists of Dark Matter. But the problem here is that Dark Matter's existence cannot be directly proven empirically. Which means that we do not yet know what 85% of the universe is? Many physicists disagree with Dark Matter's theory Working on alternative theories such as the theory of Emergent Gravity offered by scientists working on Modified Newtonian Dynamics or MOND and String Theory, but no theory including Dark Matterr has yet to be empirically proven. Found. According to physicist Jim Peebles, "it is a delusion that the dominant part of the matter in the universe is still an assumption".








Flatness Problem:


Our universe is seemingly flat and smooth. Just like dragging a rubber sheet from both sides will pull it off in the same flat way, so too has our universe been flattened after the Big Bang and spreading in that way. It is surprising that after the Big Bang, the universe has a very delicate balance of density. If the density of the universe was greater than the density of the universe, then the gravity of the universe would have pushed it inward and would gradually come to a point when the universe collapsed and if the density of the universe was less than the current density, then the universe would be outward in elliptical form. The turns are gone and slowly cools down and ends. In both cases the existence of the universe was not possible in any way. So how did the universe become flat as a result of the Big Bang? This problem is called Flatness Problem.




Horizon Problem:


What is the Horizon Problem? Let's try to understand that. When an explosion occurs, the highest temperature is at the center of the explosion. As the impact of the explosion expands, its temperature decreases. But our universe in which the distance from one galaxy to another galaxy is millions of light years. The minimum number of galaxies is 100 billion. The intellect says that after the explosion, when the universe was created and spread, the temperature of the outer parts should have been relatively low. But that's not the case. Two different corners of the universe whose distance is greater than the total age of the universe are both at the same temperature. Yes, this is possible in one case. Think of it as an example that you put cold milk in a cup of hot tea and leave it, not mix. Cold milk will spread into hot tea and after a while, both milk and tea will mix. And the temperature of the cup will be the same. For the universe to be uniform, it must be something like that during the Big Bang. That is, when the substance came into being as a result of the Big Bang, there must have been a time in which all the substances were mixed together so that the substance would spread as it wished, but its temperature would be uniform. But the problem is that immediately after the Big Bang, when the substance started to spread, there was not enough time for the substance to fully mix. However, in one case it was possible that the speed of mixing of the material would be faster than the speed of light. But in this case Einstein's Theory of Relativity proves to be incorrect. Because according to The Theory of Relativity, nothing can move faster than the speed of light. Consequently, when the substance came into being, there must have been a time in which all the substances were mixed together so that the substance would spread as it wished, but its temperature would be uniform. But the problem is that immediately after the Big Bang, when the substance started to spread, there was not enough time for the substance to fully mix. However, in one case it was possible that the speed of mixing of the material would be faster than the speed of light. But in this case Einstein's Theory of Relativity proves to be incorrect. Because according to The Theory of Relativity, nothing can move faster than the speed of light. Consequently, when the substance came into being, there must have been a time in which all the substances were mixed together so that the substance would spread as it wished, but its temperature would be uniform. But the problem is that immediately after the Big Bang, when the substance started to spread, there was not enough time for the substance to fully mix. However, in one case it was possible that the speed of mixing of the material would be faster than the speed of light. But in this case Einstein's Theory of Relativity proves to be incorrect. Because according to The Theory of Relativity, nothing can move faster than the speed of light. Could be fully mixed. However, in one case it was possible that the speed of mixing of the material would be faster than the speed of light. But in this case Einstein's Theory of Relativity proves to be incorrect. Because according to The Theory of Relativity, nothing can move faster than the speed of light. Could be fully mixed. However, in one case it was possible that the speed of mixing of the material would be faster than the speed of light. But in this case Einstein's Theory of Relativity proves to be incorrect. Because according to The Theory of Relativity, nothing can move faster than the speed of light.




To solve the flatness and horizontal problem, four scientists created the Inflation Theory in the 80s, which mathematically solves these two problems, but empirically, the existence of this theory has not yet been proven. With the passage of Inflation Theory is becoming controversial. Paul Steinhardt, one of the four scientists who created this theory, has also turned against this theory, calling it a waste of time to do more research. Professor Rupert Sheldrake jokes on this grand tragedy of modern physics, saying that "the foundation of modern science stands on a principle, that is, give us a miracle and then we will explain everything. And that is a miracle." , The energy and all the laws that govern them, all of them come into being "with nothingness".


Episode short




The origins of the Big Bang are a top secret; and as our knowledge grows, this mystery is deepening. At best we cannot say with absolute certainty that our universe is a unique place. Our universe may be one of many other universes. It is quite possible that this Big Bang, which resulted in our universe, is one of many other "Big Bangs". Or it could be that the Big Bang has been the same, but it could have been one of the infinite universe that exists, our universe. It is also possible that there are still some places in these infinite universes where the Big Bang is still occurring; those universes are still setting their stage of origin and creation. But for now, we can only talk about our universe; though understanding it is no easy task.