The Incredible Story Of Lions Saving Little Girl

2023-03-03 07:39:54 Written by Alex

Back in 2005, in a remarkable incident, a 12-year-old girl who was kidnapped by a group of men with the intention of forcing her into marriage, was rescued by three lions in Ethiopia's remote south-west region.


The abductors had held the young girl captive for a week and subjected her to repeated physical assault before the heroic lions intervened, scaring off the perpetrators and safeguarding the victim until the arrival of the local police who rescued her.

The incredible Story Of Lions Saving Little Girl

Sergeant Wondimu Wendaju, who was present during the incident, stated that the three lions kept watch over the kidnapped girl for approximately twelve hours until her family and the police were able to locate and rescue her.

According to the sergeant, the lions then departed from the scene as though they had delivered the girl as a gift to her rescuers.


He added that the situation could have turned out much worse if the lions had not intervened, as young girls in such situations are often subjected to sexual assault and severe physical abuse in order to coerce them into accepting forced marriages.


According to Stuart Williams, a wildlife specialist from the rural development ministry, the reason why the lions did not harm the kidnapped girl might be because she was crying.


Williams explained that the whimpering of a young girl could be confused with the sound of a lion cub's mewing, which could be the reason why the lions did not see her as prey and instead protected her.

Sergeant Wondimu stated that the 12-year-old girl was in a state of shock and terror after being rescued by the police from her kidnappers. She had sustained cuts and bruises from the beatings inflicted upon her during her week-long captivity and required medical attention.


The sergeant also confirmed that four of the kidnappers had been arrested by the police, but efforts were still underway to apprehend the remaining three perpetrators.


While there is no conclusive evidence to support this story, it is not unprecedented for lions to show protective behavior towards humans, particularly children. Some researchers believe that the instincts that drive lions to protect their own cubs may also be triggered when they encounter young humans who are in distress.


Regardless of the truth of this particular story, it serves as a powerful reminder of the incredible bond that can exist between humans and animals and the often surprising ways in which they can help and protect each other. 

Have you heard about this amazing account of a young girl being rescued by a pride of lions in Ethiopia? What are your thoughts?